Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat

Increasing numbers of people, both in Italy and the rest of the world, are deciding to adopt a pet and make it a member of their family. The care and attention they then devote to the animal neglects no part of its day-to-day life. Food is a key component of this “almost parental” concern, given its direct link to the wellbeing of cats and dogs. The choice of a proper nutritional program is a critical factor that all pet owners find themselves having to deal with.
Their original state as strictly meat carnivorous animals obliges cats and dogs to consume a diet rich in proteins of animal origin, the best in terms of their biological value, seeing that they are the most similar to the organism that receives them as nourishment. We have chosen to put the emphasis on fresh meat and fish in formulating the ingredients of Prolife food products, given that they contain a wealth of nutrients, giving them an elevated biological value, plus they have not previously been subjected to thermal treatments, and so they have maintained their intrinsic nutritional qualities.

The advantages of fresh meat: why we have chosen it

What is digestibility?
Digestion is defined, in physiological terms, as the function of the organism that breaks down the foods eaten, modifies them if necessary, and makes them available for absorption.This definition gives us an understanding of how digestion and absorption of nutrients are two different things. Absorption is the stage that comes after digestion, the one reached only by certain substances that have been “simplified” and broken down by the digestive process, so that they can enter the blood stream and arrive at the different organs. If a complex foodstuff is not digested, it will not be absorbed, but wind up in the faeces, without having had any effect on any of the organic areas.

We have chosen meat and fish originally meant for human consumption

The meat and fish we have chosen for Prolife was originally meant for human consumption, but for commercial reasons it is used in pet food. These are parts that due to a number of different factors, including marketing trends and consumer eating habits, are left out of the human food chain, though they possess excellent characteristics of quality. Once these raw materials enter a pet-food product plant, their end use can vary, in accordance with the rules and regulations currently in force.As we shall see further on, from the wide array of raw materials, meat and fish, offered by carious suppliers in Italy and the rest of Europe, we have chosen only the best, in order to bring that same excellence to the bowls of our pets, combining quality and nature.

Deboned meat: choosing quality

In evaluating the quality of a food product, it is not enough simply to measure its protein content, as that would prove a mistaken approach never destined to lead us to the right choice. But what exactly is the right choice for our four-legged friend? As already mentioned, we are convinced that there is no one right answer, but rather answers from which to choose the one best for each specific animal.Still, there are parameters and characteristics that help us evaluate the quality level of a food, along with the extent to which it meets the needs of the animal. Dogs and cats, as we are fond of repeating, trace their origins back to carnivorous species, and certain characteristics of this ancestral category have remained unaltered: first and foremost, the need to nourish themselves primarily with proteins of animal origin.This is why all the food products of the Prolife line include high percentages of fresh meat and fresh fish, in the form of raw materials selected to improve the quality of the diet consumed while making for a nutritional program that contributes to maintaining the animal’s wellbeing and life expectancy. To arrive at this new, long-term wellbeing, we have decided that all Prolife food products will contain fresh deboned meat or fish.

La qualità alimentare, materie prime in origine destinate al consumo umano

È necessaria, ora più che in qualsiasi altra epoca storica una rivoluzione della sostenibilità, mentre all’aumento della produttività corrisponde una drastica riduzione della domanda dovuta al calo demografico globale (Rapporto annuale OCSE-FAO, 2017). I continui miglioramenti della produttività nel settore, grazie alle tecnologie impiegate in agricoltura e allevamento, oltre che la pratica  estensiva, sono alcuni dei fattori che hanno condotto a tali sperequazioni. Risorse mal ripartite, mentre il suolo, le foreste, l’acqua, la qualità dell’aria e la biodiversità continuano a degradarsi.
Abbiamo bisogno di adottare sistemi alimentari sostenibili che offrano cibo sano e nutriente, preservando anche l’ambiente e la biodiversità.
Siamo sensibili alla questione della sostenibilità ambientale, come al benessere delle creature che popolano il Pianeta, per questo abbiamo fatto una scelta consapevole. Abbiamo deciso di  includere nei nostri alimenti materie prime in origine destinate al consumo umano; si tratta di materie prime che per motivi commerciali, spesso anche solo puramente estetici, non sono state  impiegate nello human food. È questo il caso, ad esempio, del riso: il mercato alimentare italiano accetta solamente chicchi che rispettino determinati, rigidi parametri estetici come le dimensioni,  l’integrità e la brillantezza del chicco, gli altri li abbiamo inclusi negli alimenti Prolife, perché buoni e perché il loro valore nutrizionale è perfettamente identico. Lo stesso vale per le carni. Abbiamo  raccolto i pezzi esclusi dalle preferenze di acquisto dei consumatori. Un modo, il nostro, per non disperdere le materie prime, limitare gli sprechi e, al contempo, offrire prodotti di qualità ai nostri  amici a quattro zampe.


All of our pet food is rich in fresh meat (first on the ingredients list!) to respect your dog’s primordial carnivorous nature.


Meat and fish, both fresh, are deboned and cleaned before they can be used in the processing of Prolife pet food. This reduces the bone component and ash residue so that your pet gets only the best quality meat in its bowl.


Some of the component ingredients, including fresh meat and fish, but also rice and white sorghum, are of the same quality used for human consumption but sold, for business reasons, to the pet food industry. Reasons that include aesthetic concerns, ingredients that don’t fit into the human food industry marketing mix or eating  habits due to fashion and culinary trends.